David E. Schteingart, MD

David E. Schteingart, MD

Professor Emeritus of Internal Medicine, Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes, Medical School

David Schteingart, MD, was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award for Mentoring in Clinical and Translational Research.

During his 50-year career, Dr. Schteingart received widespread recognition in the field of Endocrinology, as well as recognized as an international expert in the treatment of adrenal cancer.

Dr. Schteingart established and directed the MICHR Clinical Research Training Mentorship Program, and supported and trained more than 100 young investigators in clinical research across disciplines, including individually mentoring many of them himself. Dr. Schteingart was committed to the essential missions that make the University of Michigan Medical School strong: care of people who needed him, the quest for knowledge, and the passing of that knowledge to others.

“The launching of the first-ever MICHR Mentoring Awards presented the perfect opportunity to honor Dr. Schteingart’s career-long dedication to clinical research mentoring,” said Lise (Elizabeth) Anderson, Instructional Designer at MICHR. “The award for Dr. Schteingart was distinct from the nomination process for all the mentoring awards this year. He has been a consistent, steady presence in improving the institutional support for clinical research mentoring.”