
To address the need for consistent training and assessment of research skills, MICHR has collaborated with the Ohio State University, Rochester University, and Tufts University to create the DIAMOND portal.  

The DIAMOND (Development, Implementation, and AssessMent Of Novel Training in Domain-based competencies) portal is a digital collection that serves as a sustainable, federated database for members of clinical and translational research study teams to share and access training and assessment resources.

CTSA consortium members and their partner sites are invited to visit the portal, where they can upload links to educational offerings and assessments from their institutions, allowing these resources to be shared with DIAMOND users.  

The DIAMOND portal also encourages workforce development by serving as a federated platform for study team members and connecting clinical research professionals through an ePortfolio service. The ePortfolio enables users to manage their professional development while showcasing completed projects and evidence of learning and competence to supervisors and potential employers.

Visit the DIAMOND portal here.