Accelerating health solutions to those who need them through innovation and discovery

The Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR) is using translational science to identify and remove persistent roadblocks in the translational research pipeline.

My roadblocks are in:


Building a Team

Build and advance a new research team or elevate an existing one through offerings that facilitate collaborative ideation and effective team functioning, help teams partner with patients and community members, link teams to established networks, and more.

Educating a Team

Educate members of a research team through immersive research and career development training programs, courses, online and in-person workshops, toolkits, resources, and more.

Designing a Study

Find tailored guidance as well as tools and best practices on research design, data capture and management, participant recruitment, IND/IDE regulations, and more.

Funding a Study

Learn more about MICHR funding opportunities or get help with developing a grant application through strategic advice, facilitated grant development sessions, workshops, and editing support.

Implementing a Study

Locate personalized support, best practices, and resources for study and data management, intervention development, multisite research opportunities, post-award data analysis, participant recruitment, and more.

Disseminating Results

Get help sharing your results with broad audiences, conceptualizing manuscripts, and meeting clinical trial reporting requirements.

What is Translational Science?

Translational science aims to create innovative solutions for persistent challenges in the translational research ecosystem that will benefit research across a range of diseases and conditions. The ultimate goal is to help health solutions reach all people more quickly.

At MICHR, we’re identifying and removing roadblocks in the translational research pipeline, including challenges related to research design and implementation or within the structures and processes that facilitate research. We’re also carrying out our own research to ensure that our offerings are evidence- and user-informed and ultimately scalable to other academic institutions. 

Learn more about translational science

2/11/20 Assisted group brainstorming session on scoliosis in the multipurpose room at UMMA.


The Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR) is leading the way in building the field of translational science with the intent of extending life and reducing the impact of illness and disability.

We are proud to be part of the national NCATS CTSA Program, with more than 60 academic research institutes working together to improve the process of translational science to deliver more health solutions to all people more quickly.