
Have you completed basic instruction in clinical research but are looking for more? The Instruction in Monitoring, Procedures Documentation, and (IMPACT) workshop series is designed for study team members who are ready for an intermediate level of...
In this workshop, you will learn best practices in preparing for a new study before you submit an IRB application or for beginning a new phase of the research. You’ll get expert tips from an experienced coordinator that will help you save time, effort and money later...
This workshop outlines the process of obtaining valid informed consent and will give you the opportunity to demonstrate necessary language and communication skills when interacting with potential study participants and their families. This session is not about writing...
CTR-Launch Provides Free Protocol Writing Support Clinical trial protocols have become increasingly intricate, with a surge in trials utilizing novel designs and continuous expansion in the volume and scope of research regulation. High-quality protocols are more likely to meet enrollment goals, address primary aims,...