MICHR Promoting Academics and Community Engagement (PACE) Dissemination Grant

Published on April 15, 2024

Are you a community partner who recently completed a project in collaboration with an academic researcher?

Are you an academic researcher who recently completed a study in collaboration with a community partner?

If so, we invite you to apply for the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR) Promoting Academics and Community Engagement (PACE) dissemination grant. The goal of PACE dissemination grants is to share Community-Engaged Research(CEnR) results back to the community. Community engagement is a vital component of research, ensuring that research findings can be readily translated into useful practices and policies that are relevant to local communities. CEnR seeks to engage and include all community members in the research process, resulting in reduced health disparities, increased trust in science and between researchers and the community. CEnR leverages community and research partnerships to optimize research quality, relevance and impact.

Application due date: June 7th at 11:59pm.
See funding opportunity

MICHR is the home of the University of Michigan’s Clinical and Translational Science Award funded by the National Institutes of Health National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). The purpose of this grant is to support and promote the science of clinical and translational research, including CEnR, ready to be shared with the community.

Grant Details: For this grant opportunity, dissemination is defined as sharing information and research findings back to the communities of interest. A journal article submission is not considered dissemination for this opportunity and will not be eligible for funding.

To apply, applications must meet the following criteria:

  1. Completed data collection from an academic and community partnered research project;

  2. Analyzed research findings; and

  3. Developed a community-focused dissemination plan.

Examples of dissemination plans that may be funded include, but are not limited to:

  • Co-presenting findings at a local conference, community town hall, or event

  • Co-writing a booklet or pamphlet for community use/distribution

  • Co-creating artwork that showcases the findings for community display

  • Storytelling about findings through community channels

  • Designing and implementing a local social media campaign

  • Providing testimony to local policymakers

Funding: Applicants may request from $2,500 up to $5,000 for a six-month period (with project ending no later than December 31, 2024). Extensions will not be granted. Any funds remaining at the end of the grant period will not be available. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions in June.

Eligibility: Applications must have at least two partners: 1) an academic partner associated with any college, school, or university in the state of Michigan (not limited to those associated with the University of Michigan), and 2) a community partner associated with a non-academic community organization or group (e.g., non-profit/community benefit organization, neighborhood coalition, faith-based organization). *Application proposals for projects located outside the boundaries of ‘2 North’ and ‘2 South’ (as seen in regional map below) are strongly encouraged.

Grant Preparation and Submission: Applicants must use the guidelines listed below to prepare their applications. Applications must be submitted using the UMMS Competition Space site. Forms for this funding opportunity can be found by logging into Competition Space and searching for the MICHR Promoting Academics and Community Engagement (PACE) Dissemination Grant.

NOTE: UMMS Competition Space requires a login and password to access the site. Applicants who are not part of the University of Michigan sign up for an account by visiting the Competition Space homepage, clicking on “Login” in the top right corner, scrolling down to “Login for Other Users” and clicking on the “Register” button.

Application Guidelines:

1. Face Page: Include an abstract in the space provided.

2. Dissemination Plan: A maximum of two pages* (Arial 11, single-spaced, minimum of 0.5-inch margins) describing the partnership and proposed dissemination plan using the bolded headers below. Please use the following overall format and note the suggested page limits:

  • Significance and Impact (up to ½ page): Describe the research finding(s) of relevance to your community that will be disseminated, including community significance and impact.

  • Partners (up to ¼ page): Describe the partnership and experience partners have conducting CEnR, dissemination, and other relevant expertise.

  • Approach (up to 1 page): Describe the specific activities that will be conducted to achieve the community-focused dissemination plan. Include a timeline. Provide details about the materials that will be created to share findings. Indicate what approaches will be used to share results with the community.

  • Future Plans (up to ¼ page): Describe how the community will benefit, plans for future collaborations, and/or advancement of the proposed work.

3. References: APA or AMA style.

4. Budget and Justification: All budget items must be listed and justified. The following items are not allowed in the budget: course buy-out of more than 50% of the total proposed budget; equipment; computers; cost overruns; retroactive funding; grant preparation costs; renovations; or office supplies. This list is not exhaustive, and applicants are encouraged to discuss allowable expenses with CE staff.

*Note: Only number 2 has page limits. Numbers 2-5 must be combined into one PDF. Templates for the application’s face page, project plan, and budget are available on the UMMS Competition Space site.

Awardee Responsibilities: Awardees must attend an orientation meeting with MICHR staff. All funds must be spent within the six-month period. Awardees must provide a progress report at the end of the award. MICHR staff may request additional information beyond the funding period to measure the impact of the award and dissemination activities. Applicants may be invited to present at a CE Community Grand Rounds session where CEnR partnerships will share success stories from their work and may be expected to present their work at a future MICHR statewide retreat.

MICHR Resources and Support: The MICHR CE program provides consultations, technical assistance, and educational training for academic and community partners interested in CEnR. Applicants interested in receiving guidance on their application are encouraged to request a consultation as soon as possible by contacting the MICHR CE Team.

Additional Resources:

Community-Centered Dissemination Toolkit
This toolkit was designed by the University of Minnesota Medical School Program in Health Disparities Research and Clinical and Translational Science Institute’s Community Engagement to help research teams incorporate community-engagement principles into dissemination.

Dissemination and Engagement Planning Checklist
This checklist is based on the Knowledge to Action Framework and provides guidance for translation of evidence-based programs, practices, or policies.