MICHR’s Promoting Academics and Community Engagement (PACE) Dissemination Grant Awardees: Rounds 1-2

January 25, 2024

The Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR) has awarded the first and second rounds of the Promoting Academics and Community Engagement (PACE) Dissemination Grant. The grant aims to support and promote the science of clinical and translational research, including Community Engaged Research (CEnR), ready to be shared with the community.

Round 1

Friends of Parkside and the University of Michigan School of Information: The “Disseminating Findings of Videovoice on Safety and Surveillance in Public Housing Community” project convened a Community Watch Event to share video and other projects on safety and surveillance, published a special issue of the Community Connector newsletter and developed a website on the videovoice project findings. The project website will also build infrastructure to update the organizational website.

PineRest Christian Mental Health Services and Central Michigan University: “Dissemination of Interview Findings on the Impact of Social Media on Vulnerable Youth” project developed graphical and other presentations to present interview findings within PineRest (e.g., monthly Pearls for Partners community meetings) and among community practitioners and social service providers addressing youth behavioral health. A new social media campaign linking to the project website was also developed. The effort will inform development of evidence-based protocols to equip practitioners serving adolescents to assess and intervene problematic media use.

Home New Vision and University of Michigan School of Nursing: The “Recovery Opioid Overdose Team Plus (ROOT+) Dissemination Plan” developed educational materials to aid dissemination on the Washtenaw County’s ROOT+ Program outcomes and services to increase community awareness, share results, and enhance existing outreach plans. ROOT+, a post-overdose community outreach team, provides early engagement with overdose survivors after a nonfatal overdose. Examples of outreach materials include flyers, door hand tags, and a virtual video PowerPoint for frontline workers at Michigan Medicine, Trinity Health, and Huron Vally Emergency Services.

Community Mental Health, Washtenaw County and University of Michigan School of Social Work: The “Promoting Awareness and Engagement with Suicide Prevention Resources and Treatment in Community Mental Health” project disseminated research findings on a cognitive-behavioral suicide prevention treatment for adults with Social Security Disabilities in community mental health settings. Activities included developing community friendly materials – flyers and resources, in addition to swag printed with suicide prevention resources and messages of hope. The team will host lobby events during National Suicide Prevention Week to share resources, materials, foster dialogue with stakeholders, and raise awareness on sustainable suicide prevention initiatives.

Round 2

Marquette County Health Department and Michigan Medicine Department of Psychiatry: The “Community dissemination of Store Safely: A Firearm Injury Prevention Strategy for Rural Families” project aims 1) to strengthen the university-community partnership by sharing the completed Store Safely intervention, acknowledging the critical role the community played in its development and preliminary testing; and 2) to raise awareness and promote safe firearm storage in the broader community via dissemination of tailored educational materials. Store Safely is a multi-component prevention strategy tailored specifically for rural firearm-owning families that was created via a university-community partnership with the Marquette County Health Department and Suicide Prevention Alliance. Key activities designed to accomplish these goals include sharing study findings and previewing the Store Safely website and associated educational materials via in-person meetings with intervention development partners and with the broader community via social media, local news stations, and a public event in Marquette County, Michigan.

Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) and Housing Solutions for Health Equity (HSHE) at University of Michigan School of Public Health: The “Dissemination of the Michigan Statewide Housing Needs Assessment” project will disseminate findings from the report through several activities including presentations at townhalls and social media campaigns. This report is intended to be used by policymakers and community advocates across the state of Michigan. The team is working with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Michigan Civil Rights Department on highlighting the housing and health links at various upcoming events. The dissemination of the needs assessment will create opportunities for additional collaboration with communities across Michigan as more communities access the results of this work.