Category: Education & Training

With the help of the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR) and their Behavioral Research Innovation and Support Program (BRISP), the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) for Social and Behavioral Research eLearning Course was recently updated....
The MICHR K12 is a mentored career development program designed to provide protected time for scientists to focus on conducting translational research. We want to receive applications from individuals from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in their fields....
Are you writing a career development or R01 grant? Register now for the MICHR Mock Study Section workshop, which will help you understand how NIH grant reviewers think.As one of six reviewers, you will discuss actual twelve-page K and R grants (already submitted in...
Are you a staff member of a health-related research study team or do you work in an environment that provides support to researchers across different departments? If so, consider applying to serve on the MICHR Study Team Workforce Development Working Group (the...