A virtual training, PACE Collaborative Research, will help community and academic partners and partnerships strengthen how they conduct collaborative research. Learn about:
Collaborative research
Its relationship with the continuum of community engagement
Strategies for partnership formation, maintenance, and sustainability
Benefits and challenges of conducting collaborative research and translational science
Co-led by MICHR’s CE and the Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center, this is the first of a series of trainings. Presenters include:
Barbara Israel, DrPH, MPH, Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, University of Michigan School of Public Health and director and founding member of the Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center. She has held various leadership roles in CBPR addressing the social and physical determinants of health equity and health inequities.
Sherita Smith, MPA, Senior Vice President, Cinnaire Community Connection-Advancing Communities. She has a 20-year history serving Detroit neighborhoods in affordable housing, community development and community engagement and has been involved in substantial CBPR partnerships.