Elevate Your Research Presence: Strategic Approaches for Maximizing Discoverability



Mon, Nov 18, 2024
10:00 am - 11:00 am



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The goal of this session is to help researchers improve the impact of their research through publication.

Section 1: Impactful titles (15 min)
This section discusses how to write a title that gets the reader’s attention in online databases and increases the chances that they will click on it and read the abstract of the paper.

Section 2: Effective keywords (10 min)
This section guides attendees on to choose the best keywords that will increase the chance of discoverability online.

Section 3: Abstracts (10 min)
This section reviews the importance that abstracts will have for editors, reviewers, and peers in the field. We will review both structured and narrative abstracts and discuss strategies to ensure that it is the best first impression of the paper for the reader.

Section 4: Improving visibility (10 min)
This section highlights how authors can improve the visibility of their published research online and at conferences to increase their awareness in the field.

Section 5: Q&A and using NMO (15 min)
This final section answers any questions from the audience and highlights how to make the most of Nature Masterclasses On-Demand.