MICHR-Supported Researcher Awarded Nearly $3.3M in Funding

Kathleen A. Stringer, PharmD, Professor of Clinical and Translational Pharmacy, has been awarded two federal grants totaling nearly $3.3 million to carry out two important studies.
The Stringer Laboratory is focused on investigating the metabolic consequences of critical illnesses like sepsis, plastic bronchitis, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. In addition, the group’s interest in inflammatory lung diseases extends to identifying and testing novel therapeutics and furthering understanding of inflammatory processes in the lungs. 
The Orphan Drug R01 from the US FDA will fund a phase II safety and efficacy clinical trial of an inhaled tissue plasminogen activator for pediatric plastic bronchitis, a very rare pulmonary disease that includes a significant metabolomics component.
MICHR has provided Dr. Stringer with a number of services relating to this successful grant application, including data management, monitoring, mentoring, biostatistics, and FDA regulatory support.
Dr. Stringer has also received an R01 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, supporting a pharmacometabolomics study of L-carnitine in patients with septic shock. This project is a collaborative effort with two of her U-M colleagues, Dr. Charles Evans of the Michigan Regional Comprehensive Metabolomics Resource Core and Dr. Alla Karnovsky of the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics. 

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