Apply Now for MICHR Funding, Including New $100,000 Accelerating Synergy Award

Are you looking for funding for innovative research that addresses an important area of clinical and translational science or a community-identified health priority? Do you want to collaborate across disciplines and bring synergistic solutions to multifaceted research questions? If so, you are encouraged to apply for funding from the Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research.

Opportunities include the new Accelerating Synergy Award, which offers up to $100,000 and is geared toward interdisciplinary research teams proposing to tackle significant and complex problems in translational research. The funding and supplemental support will provide the foundation for future external large-scale proposal (e.g., NIH U- or P-series grants) submissions. Details are available here.

The Translational Science Award encourages applications for projects at all stages of translation (T1-T4) that use one of the following approaches to research: investigator-initiated research, collaborative research, or community-based participatory research. Details are available here.

Applications for these awards are open to faculty from all schools and colleges at the University of Michigan, as well as partners affiliated with community and patient coalitions and groups, nonprofit organizations, government, and other agencies outside U-M.

Applications for the Translational Science Award are due February 13, and pre-applications for the Accelerating Synergy Award are due February 15. Applications must be submitted via UMMS Competition Space.

Further information about MICHR funding is available here.

If you have questions, contact the MICHR Pilot Grant Program at