Personalized advice on team science offerings and resources
Offering Category: Are you new to translational research or to your role on a research team?
A formal mentor training, a curriculum in leadership professionalism, and team science competencies that facilitate the development of mentoring skills for research staff
Self-paced, online instruction on the research lifecycle to equip researchers with the techniques and strategies to develop their skills, confidence, and careers
A toolkit of resources that help advance your dissemination and implementation science research agenda
Online training in foundational statistical concepts
A broad overview of human subjects research and best practices that can be adapted to any type of research
Introduction to principal investigator responsibilities in the context of translational research
An online module rooted in GCP principles on best practices for clinical and translational research
Training for improving data quality, suitable for those without prior experience or a technical background
An introduction for new researchers to resources and units that offer research support