Promoting Academics & Community Engagement (PACE) Dissemination Grant
Grant of up to $5,000 to foster impactful community-academic partnerships and creatively share your research findings with the community
Applicants must consist of at least two partners: 1) an academic partner associated with a college, school, or university in the state of Michigan (not limited to U-M), and 2) a community partner associated with a non-academic community organization or group (e.g., non-profit, neighborhood coalition, faith-based organization).
This award is offered bi-annually. Consult the MICHR Events page for details.
How much?
What is this offering?
The Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR) has launched the fourth round of the Promoting Academics and Community Engagement (PACE) Dissemination Grant to support community-academic partnerships in sharing Community Engaged Research (CEnR) results back to the community. The purpose of the grant is to support and promote the science of clinical and translational research, including CEnR, ready to be shared with the community.
For this grant opportunity, dissemination is defined as sharing information and research findings back to the communities of interest. A journal article submission is not considered dissemination for this opportunity and will not be eligible for funding.
Examples of dissemination plans that may be funded include, but are not limited to:
- Co-presenting findings at a local conference, community town hall, or event
- Co-writing a booklet or pamphlet for community use
- Co-creating artwork that showcases the findings for community display
- Storytelling about findings through community channels
- Designing and implementing a local social media campaign
- Providing testimony to local policymakers
Applicants may request from $2,500 up to $5,000 for a six-month period. See the funding opportunity announcement for more details and examples of fundable projects.
Important links:
Technical Assistance Session about the grant opportunity with useful information including instructions for submission on Competition Space.
How this advances translational science
Engaging patients in research to advance translational progress.
Translational Science Categories: