Author: boxcar-admin

Have you completed basic instruction in clinical research but are looking for more? The Instruction in Monitoring, Procedures Documentation, and (IMPACT) workshop series is designed for study team members who are ready for an intermediate level of...
As researchers, you have a lot of different audiences that may benefit from knowing about your work (ex. funders, patients, community members, industry partners, etc.). But most research training focuses on how to communicate to others in your field. This workshop...
Apply here: Submission Deadline: Monday, December 18, 2023 Appointment Dates: 2024 – 2026 Applications allowed per Applicant / Lab / Mentor: 1 Number of Possible Awardees per year: 5 Total Funding: $73,582...
All who are involved in or interested in mentoring are invited to the 2023 Mentoring Forum and Mentor Awards Ceremony, which will celebrate mentorship and the 2023 MICHR Distinguished Clinical & Translational Research Mentor Award recipients.  The Mentoring Forum...
REGISTER HERE for the U-M Implementation Science Network Meeting! The Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR) is hosting the inaugural kickoff for its University of Michigan (U-M) Implementation Science Network (ISN). This free event is intended...
Have you completed basic instruction in clinical research but are looking for more? The Instruction in Monitoring, Procedures Documentation and (IMPACT) workshop series is designed for study team members who are ready for an intermediate level of...
Are you writing a career development or R01 grant? Register now for the MICHR Mock Study Section workshop, which will help you understand how NIH grant reviewers think. As one of six reviewers, you will discuss actual twelve-page K and R grants (already submitted in...
Are you a staff member of a health-related research study team or do you work in an environment that provides support to researchers across different departments? If so, consider applying to serve on the MICHR Study Team Workforce Development Working Group (the...