Institutional Review Board (IRB) Submissions Standard Practice Guideline
A guide for diligent management of IRB applications and reporting obligations through meticulous documentation and tracking of responsibilities
This resource may be used by anyone at U-M.
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What is this resource?
Research teams should document which members of their team will be responsible for managing U-M Institutional Review Board Medical School (IRBMED) applications in eResearch or other regulatory management systems. Additional documentation should include:
- Tracking tools for annual renewals and other document due dates
- Failure to submit your annual renewal in a timely manner could result in study expiry and halt of research
- Responsibility for reporting other information to the IRB such as ORIOS, AES, and reports
As stated in the FDA Information Sheets, if a lapse in IRB approval occurs, all research should stop and no new subjects should be enrolled. Please refer to the IRBMED website and then click on the AE/ORIO Guidance for reporting instructions regarding Adverse Events (AEs), Other Reportable Information and Occurrences (ORIOs), and Protocol Deviations.
IRBs are required to function under written procedures; one of these procedural requirements (21 CRF 56.108 a 3) requires ensuring prompt reporting to the IRB of changes in a research activity. For example, the completion of a study is a change in activity and should be reported to the IRB.
How this advances translational science
Implementing operations that facilitate and support the quality and impact of research.
Translational Science Categories: