MICHR Distinguished Clinical & Translational Research Mentor Award
Awards honoring excellence in mentorship
How much?
What is this offering?
Nominate your mentor or peer mentor for the Distinguished Clinical & Translational Research Mentor Award or Peer Mentor Award. This award is part of MICHR’s continuing efforts to foster a culture of learning, especially in the area of clinical and health research.
This award recognizes the value of mentoring at U-M in helping early career investigators to reach across disciplinary boundaries in pursuit of science.
New for 2024, MICHR is accepting nominations for a Peer Mentor. One faculty member and one staff member will be selected for the MICHR Peer Mentor Award.
MICHR and the NIH place a high priority on advancing equity in the mentoring research career progression. We encourage nominations of diverse mentors across the clinical and translational research spectrum.
The 2025 MICHR Mentor Award and Peer Mentor Award nomination call will open in winter 2025. Find out more about submitting a nomination for a MICHR Mentor or a MICHR Peer Mentor.
Important links:
2024 awardees
How this advances translational science
Fostering a culture of recognition that ultimately sustains a diverse and talented workforce.
MICHR Publications
Translational Science Categories: