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Educating a Team

Educate members of a research team through immersive research and career development training programs, courses, online and in-person workshops, toolkits, resources, and more.

Educating a team

There is a fee of $156 for U-M registrants and $210 for others. (MICHR will provide a full refund to U-M registrants who pay by shortcode and attend all three sessions.)

Workshop offering robust guidance and feedback for writing a career development grant

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Celebrating mentorship excellence in clinical and translational research with enlightening presentations and the prestigious MICHR Distinguished Mentor Award Ceremony

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For U-M participants, there is a $52 fee for each session; this will be fully refunded if the participant attends the session. For non-U-M participants, there is a non-refundable $70 fee for each session.

Sessions for faculty on effective research mentoring, including communications, expectations, independence, and professional development
