Social and Behavioral Research Best Practices for Clinical Research

An e-learning course for those who work on behavioral research studies

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What is this resource?

This course was designed to help Behavioral and Social Science Research (BSSR) investigators and team members uphold the quality of designing and conducting Behavioral and Social Science Research clinical trials.

In 2016, NIH issued a policy establishing an expectation that all NIH-funded investigators and staff involved in conducting, overseeing, or managing clinical trials should be trained in GCP and should refresh their training at least every three years. Training in GCP principles helps investigators and clinical trial staff protect the rights, safety, and well-being of human subjects. It ensures that clinical trials are conducted according to approved plans with rigor and integrity and that the data collected is reliable.

How this advances translational science

Implementing best practices in trainings to sustain a talented workforce.

Translational Science Categories: