Step.Up Staff Mentorship Program
A formal mentor training, a curriculum in leadership professionalism, and team science competencies that facilitate the development of mentoring skills for research staff
This is available to research professionals at the U-M.
This program is offered annually.
How much?
What is this offering?
MICHR’s Staff Enrichment Program (STEP.up) provides research staff with formal mentor training, a curriculum in leadership professionalism, and team science competencies that facilitate the development of mentoring skills. In a recent survey, 88% of clinical research professionals (CRPs) requested more career development opportunities. The STEP.up program was created to meet this need. The program pairs coordinators new to their role or new to U-M with a senior research professional to provide mentorship, support, and career development. Participants set goals and meet with their mentors monthly for nine months.
How this advances translational science
Implementing best practices to sustain a talented workforce.
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