Any U-M researcher and their research partners
Contact MICHR as soon as you are interested in this offering.
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What is this resource?
As challenges in health research become more complex, it is essential to engage cross-disciplinary expertise in solving these problems. MICHR has created a suite of offerings and resources that can help you build and advance your research team and collaborative research agenda. During a consultation, we learn more about your immediate and long-term goals and design a tailored plan of support that fits your needs.
Specific team science offerings and tools include: research jams, collaboration planning workshops, systems mapping workshops, collaboration kit workshops, team diagnostic surveys, toolbox dialogue workshops, team conditions canvas, the surprising science of meetings sketchnote, and the team meeting record template.
How this advances translational science
Engaging team members with expertise across disciplines, fields, and professions to produce research that advances translation along the translational research continuum
Translational Science Categories: